Two Reasons Why You Should Have A Lawyer On Retainer

Posted on: 8 June 2016

If you're like many people, you likely have a number of different services available to you when you need them.  Whether it's insurance or a maintenance plan, you've put protections in place so that when an emergency occurs, you're covered.  However, one aspect that you may have neglected involves the legal side of things.  Having a lawyer on retainer is beneficial in so many ways.  Learning more about the benefits of keeping an attorney on retainer will help you see why it's so vital for you to invest in this important service today. [Read More]

Taxation Of Car Accident Settlements: Are You Going To Owe The IRS?

Posted on: 8 June 2016

A car accident injury can be a very scary and emotional event to go through. If you have received a settlement from the insurer of the party at fault, there are some important things to keep in mind before spending the money. One of the first things you need to think about is the tax you may have to pay on the settlement amount. The claim on which you received the settlement will determine your tax liability, if any. [Read More]

Did You Get An Audit Notification From Your Filed Business Taxes? Call A Lawyer Fast

Posted on: 8 June 2016

If you filed your own taxes the first year that you started a business and you've gotten a letter because you're getting audited, you want to contact a tax attorney right away. If you were apprehensive about doing your own taxes and you worry that you may have made some errors, you want to see if you can correct the problems and stay out of legal trouble. Here is what you want to bring with you when you meet with the tax attorney in person. [Read More]

What Should You Be Doing To Handle The Stress Related To Your Divorce?

Posted on: 7 June 2016

As someone who is experiencing divorce proceedings, you are likely dealing with feelings of grief, anger and other feelings that can cause some degree of stress. You might find yourself feeling irritable and wondering when you'll no longer feel this way. Divorce is difficult for many people to handle, but if you use the suggestions in this article, you will better equipped to cope with what is happening. Make Time for Therapy [Read More]