Three Suspicious Behaviors to Avoid at DUI Checkpoints
Although the police have to use a neutral formula to stop cars at a DUI checkpoint, they can also stop any cars they see that give a reasonable suspicion of illegal behavior. This means that if you drive incompetently because you're drunk, recklessly enough to cause danger to other drivers, or something similar, they can still stop you even if they wouldn't have stopped you otherwise. So it's important to avoid suspicious driving behaviors. [Read More]
Head Wound-Hedron: Three Types Of Head Wounds And Facial Injuries For Which You Can Sue
Head wounds are no laughing matter. In fact, there are three kinds of head wounds, and each one of them can have multiple levels of severity. Thus, "head wound-hedron" is an effective phrase for describing the multiple types of facial and head injuries. The majority of these injuries are often incurred during work or automobile accidents, which means you may be able to sue. Here is what a personal injury attorney might have to say about these various head wounds and injury types. [Read More]
Proving Fault In A Car Accident Case: 3 Things You Should Do If You Suspect The Other Driver Is Under The Influence
Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol is a serious problem in the U.S. The latest numbers published indicate that 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol or narcotics in 2014. If you get out of your car, only to suspect that something is not right with the other driver involved in the accident, you'll need to act quickly to gather evidence. If you can prove that the other driver was driving while under the influence, the other driver will be at fault; however, you'll need to gather quite a lot of evidence to build a strong case. [Read More]
How Do You Handle Negative Online Reviews That Target Your Business?
A positive online presence can be critical to the survival of a small business—since 88% of consumers report that they trust online reviews as much as they do personal ones. That give you a lot of incentive to manage your online business reputation. What can you do, then, when a snarky reviewer unfairly targets your business and damages your reputation? This is what you can do. Try to respond to legitimate reviews in a constructive fashion. [Read More]
A Couple Of Estate Planning Questions Answered
For those that are concerned about how their passing will impact their loved ones, estate planning can be an essential task to undertake. Unfortunately, there are many people that may not be particularly informed about or experienced with this type of planning. If this applies to you, learning the following answers to some common questions may prove to be helpful. What Are The Advantages Of Estate Planning? There is a common assumption among some individuals that simply having a will in place is sufficient planning. [Read More]
Spousal Support: When A Request May Need To Be Made For A Reduction
Circumstances hardly ever the stay the same. This is especially true after a divorce. When you got a divorce a few years back, you were ordered by the court to pay alimony to your ex-spouse. At the time, you were employed, but you recently lost your job. Or maybe you didn't have a new wife and baby as you do now. The thing is that your life has changed and your currently ability to make the payments has changed from the time that you got divorced to right now. [Read More]
4 Ways That A Lawyer Can Help After Self-Defense Against A Minor
Were you forced to defend yourself after one of your high school students physically assaulted you in class? If his or her parents are now trying to sue you for assaulting a minor, it is in your best interest to seek help from a lawyer so you can build a strong defense. Take a look at this article to find out how a criminal lawyer might go about helping you win the case against your high school student. [Read More]
Two Reasons Why You Should Have A Lawyer On Retainer
If you're like many people, you likely have a number of different services available to you when you need them. Whether it's insurance or a maintenance plan, you've put protections in place so that when an emergency occurs, you're covered. However, one aspect that you may have neglected involves the legal side of things. Having a lawyer on retainer is beneficial in so many ways. Learning more about the benefits of keeping an attorney on retainer will help you see why it's so vital for you to invest in this important service today. [Read More]
Taxation Of Car Accident Settlements: Are You Going To Owe The IRS?
A car accident injury can be a very scary and emotional event to go through. If you have received a settlement from the insurer of the party at fault, there are some important things to keep in mind before spending the money. One of the first things you need to think about is the tax you may have to pay on the settlement amount. The claim on which you received the settlement will determine your tax liability, if any. [Read More]
Did You Get An Audit Notification From Your Filed Business Taxes? Call A Lawyer Fast
If you filed your own taxes the first year that you started a business and you've gotten a letter because you're getting audited, you want to contact a tax attorney right away. If you were apprehensive about doing your own taxes and you worry that you may have made some errors, you want to see if you can correct the problems and stay out of legal trouble. Here is what you want to bring with you when you meet with the tax attorney in person. [Read More]